As soon as anyone makes a substantial claim against an insurance company, they realise that insurance companies do tend to make life difficult for claimants and sometimes reject a claim for the most spurious of reasons. Rather than just accept that, you can pursue the matter with a specialist lawyer who can take on the claim, initially by negotiating with the insurance company and later via legal proceedings, as required.
General Insurance Claims in Romania
Searching for General Insurance Claims in Romania Service? Customer reviews to help you select from the best, most experienced Lawyers in Romania
How clients rate our General Insurance Claims Service...
Advocate Abroad seeks client feedback to ensure continued high-quality service provision.
The advocate was very committed and (which is the most important) successful.
Nathalie Gysi
04 Nov 2024
04 Nov 2024
Service Details
General Insurance Claims
This service is available across Romania
Who Is This Service For?
What Does This Service Consist Of?
- An initial discussion with a solicitor to understand your particular circumstances and assess the next steps.
- Undertake negotiations with the insurance company
- Initiate legal proceedings if negotiations do not yield sufficient progress
Free Support Services Included
When combined with the free and innovative Advocate Abroad support services you can be sure that you are obtaining completely transparent legal services from registered and regulated English-speaking lawyers abroad.These support services include:
- Verification of the regulatory status of your professional.
- Fees as recommended by the Local Professional Body
- Fees specified in advance and legally guaranteed.
- Service levels agreed in advance and guaranteed.
- All professionals must hold professional indemnity insurance.
- Professionals' proficiency in English monitored.
- Continuous quality controls and reviews.
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