Spanish Inheritance tax in Alicante

All you need to know about inheritance tax in Alicante
Article Last Updated: 17 May, 2024 under Inheritance

Advocate Abroad's professional network gathers selected experts in Inheritance tax in Spain.

Since our legal and tax experts are located throughout Spain, you will be able to find English-speaking Inheritance Lawyers in Spain near me with minimum effort. 

Feel free to browse and/or download this presentation about Inheritance Taxes in Alicante, from our Tax expert lawyers, who will communicate with you in your language. 

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José, Lawyer in Alicante ...
Jose Antonio is a highly-experienced lawyer in the Alicante area of Spain. With offices in the centre of Alicante Capital, Jose-Antonio has offered expert legal advice for more than 10 years to English-speakers involved in Property transactions and contractual disputes as well as family law, inheritance and business formation.
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