- This visa - known in Spanish as the 'visa no lucrativa' - meaning it is not suitable for those who wish to work in Spain, can nevertheless be a very interesting option for non-EU citizens – including British citizens (post-Brexit) – who wish to reside in Spain.
- If you are earning more than €2,400 Euros on a monthly basis (whether based on a pension or any other kind of regular income) you can apply for residency in Spain – though please note, for non-working purposes only.
- If more than one person is applying for a non-lucrative visa in Spain (for instance you intend to come with your spouse/partner and children) the income required will increase by approximately €600 per month for each additional member.
- You can also apply even if you do not have regular income, but simply have deposit/s in bank account/s over that amount during the time of residency, so over €30,000 for 1 member and an additional €7,200 for each additional member.
- The visa duration is for one year initially, renewable on a 2 yearly basis, until such time as you have spent 5 years resident in Spain, when you can request a permanent residency permit.