The main laws governing inheritance in Turkey are the Turkish Civil Code, Law on Code of International Private and Procedural Law, and the Code of Civil Procedure.
The main principle regarding jurisdiction over real property is that property is regulated by the laws where it is located. Turkish law is therefore the applicable law governing ownership and inheritance of real property located within the boundaries of the Republic of Turkey.
If the estate of the deceased includes fixed property assets in Turkey, then Turkish Law is applied, whereas movable assets are subject to the deceased’s national law.
Religion or nationality has no effect on jurisdiction concerning inheritance issues; however if a citizen of a country with which Turkey does not have reciprocity inherits real estate in Turkey, then the property is devolved and the real estate is liquidated.
The Court of Peace and Court of First Instance are the principal courts which hear lawsuits on inheritance issues. The length of time taken to complete the proceedings is unpredictable, since it depends on the complexity of the case and the caseload of the court.